General Body Meetings (aka "GBM"s) are a chance for the wider UMTG community to get updates on show processes, to discuss issues with the Executive Board, and to connect with fellow Guild members. These meetings are open to the public and attendance is highly recommended for active Guild members, as they must attend at least 2/3 of meetings each semester to maintain their Voting Rights.
SPRING 2022 GBM DATES (all @6pm)
` *1 -- 9/8 *2 -- 9/21 *3 -- 10/6 *4 -- 10/19 *5 -- 11/3 *6 -- 11/16 *7 -- 12/1 |
Constitution meetings
Constitution meetings are held when the voting body has amendments to propose or policy to discuss (only as needed - not every semester). Community members can propose changes that the general body will discuss and that E-Board will vote on once the meeting concludes. Amendments that E-Board decides to adopt become a part of our UMTG Constitution (which you can read HERE).
Semester Debriefs
At the end of each semester, after both shows are concluded, E-Board hosts a Semester Debrief in which cast/crew have an open forum to talk about what they liked and didn't like about their most recent show process. All contributions will be discussed by the general body and considered by the E-Board. If there are significant changes needed before the next semester a Constitution meeting is called.
Show Proposals/Voting
At the end of each Spring semester, the UMTG accepts show proposals for the next year's Fall & Spring seasons and discusses them a series of community meetings. The proposals are read by the E-Board, narrowed down to a few top choices, and the remaining options are presented before the UMTG public by the proposer.
Guild members who have earned voting rights are welcomed to vote for their favorite show per category. The show with the most votes [in each category] is selected for the new season! The runner-up for winner becomes the back-up in case of emergency (ie. trouble buying the rights, finding a director, etc).
To propose a show for next season, click HERE
E-Board Elections
E-Board Elections take place at the end of each year (and sometimes more frequently). Anyone can run for an E-Board position and the candidates are voted on by the UMTG General Body at this meeting. Each candidate will present a prepared statement before the community which will be followed by a Q&A session and a community discussion (candidate not present). After all candidates are discussed, those Guild members with voting rights will then cast their votes and the new E-Board member will be selected.
MORE on what E-Board is HERE
E-Board Application details HERE
**NOTE: Voting meetings (ie. Constitution meetings, Show voting, E-Board elections) must obtain a quorum (at least 2/3 of the voting body have to be present) in order to legally count the results of any vote. If there is no quorum, voting will be postponed**
Constitution meetings are held when the voting body has amendments to propose or policy to discuss (only as needed - not every semester). Community members can propose changes that the general body will discuss and that E-Board will vote on once the meeting concludes. Amendments that E-Board decides to adopt become a part of our UMTG Constitution (which you can read HERE).
Semester Debriefs
At the end of each semester, after both shows are concluded, E-Board hosts a Semester Debrief in which cast/crew have an open forum to talk about what they liked and didn't like about their most recent show process. All contributions will be discussed by the general body and considered by the E-Board. If there are significant changes needed before the next semester a Constitution meeting is called.
Show Proposals/Voting
At the end of each Spring semester, the UMTG accepts show proposals for the next year's Fall & Spring seasons and discusses them a series of community meetings. The proposals are read by the E-Board, narrowed down to a few top choices, and the remaining options are presented before the UMTG public by the proposer.
Guild members who have earned voting rights are welcomed to vote for their favorite show per category. The show with the most votes [in each category] is selected for the new season! The runner-up for winner becomes the back-up in case of emergency (ie. trouble buying the rights, finding a director, etc).
To propose a show for next season, click HERE
E-Board Elections
E-Board Elections take place at the end of each year (and sometimes more frequently). Anyone can run for an E-Board position and the candidates are voted on by the UMTG General Body at this meeting. Each candidate will present a prepared statement before the community which will be followed by a Q&A session and a community discussion (candidate not present). After all candidates are discussed, those Guild members with voting rights will then cast their votes and the new E-Board member will be selected.
MORE on what E-Board is HERE
E-Board Application details HERE
**NOTE: Voting meetings (ie. Constitution meetings, Show voting, E-Board elections) must obtain a quorum (at least 2/3 of the voting body have to be present) in order to legally count the results of any vote. If there is no quorum, voting will be postponed**